【同义词辨析】 2020-08-26 道院cloister-priory

cloister: stresses the idea of seclusion from the world for either sex: kept a strict silence within the ~ walls.       seclusion与世隔绝来自词根CLUS表示to close关闭, 因此exclude好像是把人关闭在外,反义词include,occlusion(血管)闭塞,recluse隐居者,seclude与世隔绝)

convent: may refer to a retreat for either sex or may refer to a retreat for nuns and stresses the idea of community of living: the shared labor of life within the ~.      (community有3个意思  1、社区a group of people who live in the same area生活在同一区域的人群,如the local community当地社区,如community parks/libraries/doctors/leaders社区公园/图书馆/医生/领导,如many communities are facing budget problems许多社区面临经费问题,但international community一般不说国际社区而说国际社会   2、社群、界a group of people who have the same religion, race, job, interests, etc具有相同宗教种族工作兴趣的人群,如the black/Chinese/artistic/business /medical community黑人/华人社群/艺术/商/医疗  3、共同体关系、归属感friendship between people in the same place and a sense of something in common,如the school encourages a sense/feeling of community in its students学校鼓励学生的共同体意识/归属感,如community spirit共同体精神,如人类命运共同体a Community of Shared Future for Mankind)  retreat隐居implies a voluntary retirement to a safe, secure, or peaceful place退居到平安平静的地方,如built themselves a country retreat乡村隐居处

monastery: refers to a cloister for monks and may indicate a community that combines the cloistered life with teaching, preaching, or other work: left his job on Wall Street and entered a ~.       monk修道士僧侣     preach布道讲道说教,如practice what you preach让别人做到的,自己要先做到

nunnery: often interchangeable with convent, refers to a cloister for nuns: found life in a ~ too restrictive.

abbey: denotes a monastery or a nunnery governed by an abbot or an abbess: took the message to the abbot at the ~.   abbot/abbess男/女大修道院长

priory: indicates a community governed by a prior or prioress: summoned the inhabitants of the ~ for matins.   prior/prioress男/女小修道院长

cloister修道院: 强调与世隔绝,可指男修道院女修道院,convent隐修院女修道院: 可以指男/女隐修地(特别是修女),强调团体生活,monastery修道院: 指僧侣修道院,在此讲学布道等,nunnery女修道院: 可与convent互换,指修女居住的修道院,abbey大修道院: 指男/女修道院长管理的男女修道院,规模较大,priory小修道院: 同上,但规模较小

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCMNAP想成CN CAMP中国营区<==道院

        2)道院的意思是宗教群体隐居地mean a place of retirement from the world for members of a religious community.